Adam K Dean

Posts tagged with angular

Reverse the polarity of AngularJS filters

Published 11 March 2014 in archive with tags javascript , angular AngularJS allows you to use strings, objects, and functions as filter objects. You can use them to filter certain text, such as a name in a list of names, or a number in a list of phone numbers. But what happens when you want to filter out those results? Continue reading …

Detect when ng-options has finished rendering

Published 10 December 2013 in archive with tags javascript , angular If you want to fire an event when ng-options finishes rendering options, you can do so by watching the model with scope.$watch and then queuing up the event code to fire on the next digest cycle with scope.$evalAsync. Like so: Continue reading …

Enable AngularJS HTML5 Routing on IIS

Published 18 September 2013 in archive with tags urlrewrite , angular , iis AngularJS has the ability to use HTML5 routing, which means that rather than having your application using a hash (#) sign and then the route, it can instead get rid of the hash and still function as a Single Page Application. For example: Continue reading …

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